
Valentina Simonetti graduated in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2016 and obtained also a master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Houston, USA, attending a double degree program in 2015. She wrote a thesis entitled “A multiscale model for breast-conservative therapy: computational framework and clinical validation” as a result of a research work of several months at the Houston Methodist Hospital. After the graduation she worked mainly in Research and Development divisions of corporate realities applying computational modelling, machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches in different fields: biomedical, biology, telecommunication, finance and energy. She has been actively involved in 4 Horizon 2020 European Research projects both as innovation developer and as work package manager. At present she works in Ab.Acus srl, a company active in translational research and she is carrying on an industrial PhD in the University of Padova, under the supervision of professor Umberto Castiello, on digital phenotyping and kinematic modelling of plants’ roots for the investigation of roots’ cognitive mechanisms.
selected publications
2024 – A system for the study of roots 3D kinematics in hydroponic culture: a study on the oscillatory features of root tip
2022 – Evidence of motor intentions in plants: A kinematical study
2023 – Decision-Making Underlying Support-Searching in Pea Plants
2023 – Classifying Circumnutation in Pea Plants via Supervised Machine Learning
2021 – Can plants move like animals? A three-dimensional stereovision analysis of movement in plants
complete list of publications