Sudden and gradual presentation of distractor objects: differential interference effects | Castiello U., Badcock D. R. , Bennet K. M. B. |
The reach-to-grasp movement in Parkinson’s disease: response to a simultaneous perturbation of object position and object size | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Bonfiglioli C., Lim S., Peppard R. F. |
Covert orienting and focusing of attention in children with attention defcit hyperactivity disorder | McDonald S., Bennet K. M. B., Chambers H., Castiello U. |
Semantic category interference effects upon the reach-to-grasp movement | Jervis C., Bennet K. M. B., Thomas J., Lim S., Castiello U. |
Modulation of unilateral neglect as a function of direction of object motion | Dunai J., Bennet K. M. B., Fotiades A., Kritikos A., Castiello U. |
Human inferior parietal cortex ‘programs’ the action class of grasping | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Egan G. F., Tochon-Danguy H. J., Kritikos A., Dunai J. |
Reply to Tresilian | Castiello U. |
Mechanisms of selection for the control of hand action | Castiello U. |
Attentional coding for three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes: differential interference effects | Castiello U. |
Prehension movements and perceived object depth structure | Castiello U., Bonfiglioli C., Bennet K. M. B. |
Reach to grasp: the response to a simultaneous perturbation of object position and size | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Chambers H. |
Dissociation of covert and overt spatial attention during prehension movements: selective interference effects | Bonfiglioli C., Castiello U. |
The effect of unilateral posteroventral pallidotomy on the kinematics of the reach to grasp movement | Bennet K. M. B., O’Sullivan J. D., Peppard R. F., McNeill P. M., Castiello U. |
Kinematic analysis of the reach to grasp movement in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease subjects | Bonfiglioli C., De Berti G., Nichelli P., Nicoletti R., Castiello U. |
Upper limb movement differentiation according to taxonomic semantic category | Bennet K. M. B., Thomas J., Jervis C., Castiello U. |
Processing efficiency of the orienting and the focusing of covert attention in relation to the level of disability in Parkinson’s disease | Mari M., Bennet K. M. B., Scarpa M., Brighetti G., Castiello U. |
Arm and mouth coordination during the eating action in humans: a kinematic analysis | Castiello U. |
The bilateral reach-to-grasp movement of Parkinson’s disease subjects | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B. |
Grasping a fruit: selection for action | Castiello U. |
How perceived object dimension influences prehension | Castiello U., Bonfiglioli C., Bennet K. M. B. |
Three-dimensional covert attentional functions in Parkinson’s disease subjects | Bennet K. M. B., Castiello U. |
Object-centred orienting of attention | Umiltà C. A., Castiello U., Fontana M., Vestri A. |
Covert visuospatial attentional mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease | Bennet K. M. B., Waterman C., Scarpa M., Castiello U. |
The drinking action of Parkinson’s disease subjects | Bennet K. M. B., Marchetti M., Iovine R., Castiello U. |
Reorganization of prehension components following perturbation of object size | Bennet K. M. B., Castiello U. |
A brain-damaged patient with an unusual perceptuomotor deficit | Castiello U., Scarpa M., Bennet K. M. B. |
Orienting the finger opposition space during prehension movements | Stelmach G. E., Castiello U., Jeannerod M. |
Reach to grasp: changes with age | Bennet K. M. B., Castiello U. |
Parkinson’s disease: reorganization of the reach to grasp movement in response to perturbation of the distal motor patterning | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B. |
Perturbation of a prehension movement in Parkinson’s disease | Scarpa M., Castiello U. |
Generalized representation of handwriting: Evidence of effector independence | Castiello U., Stelmach G. E. |
Reach to grasp: the natural response to perturbation of object size | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Stelmach G. E. |
The reach to grasp movement of blind subjects | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Mucignat C. |
A kinematic study of the reach to grasp movement in a subject with | Bennet K. M. B., Adler C., Stelmach G. E., Castiello U. |
The bilateral reach to grasp movement | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Stelmach G. E. |
Perturbation of the grasp component of a prehension movement in a subject with hemiParkinson’s disease | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Adler C., Lieberman A. N. |
Temporal dissociation of the prehension pattern in Parkinson’s disease | Castiello U., Stelmach G. E., Lieberman A. N. |
Orienting of attention in volleyball players | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Does the type of prehension influence the kinematics of reaching? | Castiello U., Bennet K. M. B., Paulignan Y. |
Temporal coupling between transport and grasp components during prehension movements: effects of visual perturbation | Gentilucci M., Chieffi S., Scarpa M., Castiello U. |
Splitting focal attention | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Effect of age on the orientation of attention: effect of changing the interval between signal and stimulus | Mucignat C., Castiello U., Umiltà C. A., Tradardi V. |
Kinematic study of the temporal coupling between the components of transport and manipulation during reaching and grasping movements | Chieffi S., Gentilucci M., Castiello U., Scarpa M. |
Temporal dissociation of motor responses and subjective awareness. A study in normal subjects | Castiello U., Paulignan Y., Jeannerod M. |
Measuring time to awareness | Castiello U., Jeannerod M. |
Influence of different types of grasping on the transport component of prehension movements | Gentilucci M., Castiello U., Corradini M. L., Scarpa M., Umiltà C. A., Rizzolatti G. |
Size of the attentional focus and efficiency of processing | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Kinematic study of reaching-grasping movements | Scarpa M., Castiello U., Cevolani D., Gentilucci M., Rizzolatti G., Umiltà C. A. |
Effects of age on orientation of attention | Tradardi V., Castiello U., Nonis E., Scarpa M., Umiltà C. A. |
Orientamento dell’attenzione nello spazio | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Tennis and attention | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Orienting of attention in volleyball players | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Temporal dimensions of mental effort in different sports | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
L’effetto di compatibilità spaziale nel gioco del tennis | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Effetto della probabilità di comparsa dello stimolo sui movimenti volontari dell’attenzione | Castiello U., Rizzolatti G. |
Mental effort in volleyball | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Spatial compatibility effects in different sports | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
L’impegno mentale nei 100 metri e nei 110 metri ostacoli | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
L’impegno mentale nella ricezione | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |
Attention and sport | Castiello U., Umiltà C. A. |